6 Ways to Make Your Blog Seen When You Are a New Blogger

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Nobody visits my website. How can I get my blog seen by more people?” If you are a new blogger or have been blogging for a while but you don’t have a large following or traffic, you are most likely familiar with how challenging it is to get people to notice and visit your blog.

Starting a blog and creating content for it is easy. However, if no one reads your blog posts or when nobody is even aware that your blog exists, it can be demoralizing. When this happens, you might start questioning your decision to begin a blog, your writing skills, and whether blogging is even worth it. 

Sometimes you might even feel tempted to quit altogether – and many bloggers do abandon their blogs in the early stages of blogging when they fail to get the website traffic and engagement they desire.

However, growing your blog’s traffic doesn’t have to be that difficult. Even the most popular blogs were where yours is today at some point, and they somehow managed to grow their blog audience to what they have now. And so can you!

If you’ve been struggling to make people notice your blog or get more organic website traffic, this post is for you. I will be sharing some tips on how to make your blog seen when you are a new blogger or if you don’t have a large following and traffic.

Since my blog is not a big one as well, these are some of the strategies I’ve been using to increase my blog’s traffic.

> How to Measure the Success of Your Blog if You Don’t Have a Huge Following
> 12 Best Ways to Invest in Your Blog

How to Make Your Blog Seen When You Are a New Blogger

  1. Create content

Content is king! If you want people to visit your site, you will obviously need to have content they can read when they get there.

It is usually disappointing when a person interacts with my blog, only for me to try checking out their blog and find that they only have the WordPress template posts or they only reblog other people’s content but have none of their own. 

If you are serious about blogging and you want people to visit your blog and stay on it or return, you have to create content that is relevant, engaging, relatable, and interesting to read.

As a new blogger, do not stress yourself out too much trying to write what you think people will like. Instead, write about things you are passionate about and topics that truly interest you. 

Most readers can tell when you are not being authentic as a blogger or if you don’t know what you are writing about. Thus, it is best to write well-researched posts about subjects you are actually interested in. This is how you get people to notice your blog, find your audience, and build a community of people interested in the same things you are.

READ ALSO: Evergreen Content vs. Topical Content: Which Is Best for Your Blog?

  1. Be consistent

Now that you have started your blog and created content, you need to keep your readers interested and reach even more people. 

You can’t just publish one post and go MIA only to return a few months or weeks later and expect your readers will still be waiting for you. Readers easily forget or unsubscribe from a blog if it doesn’t publish any new content.

Since you already don’t have many readers, you cannot risk losing the ones you do have, and thus, it would be best for you to blog regularly. Consistency will make your blog seen by more people, and also help you sharpen your writing skills.

However, being consistent doesn’t mean that you have to publish posts every day or every hour of the day; you just have to come up with a schedule and stick to it. 

Depending on how available you are to write, you could publish once a month, weekly, or several times a week. Just be consistent.

If you are trying to make blogging your career or just want to gain more followers and readers, I recommend publishing new blog posts more often. For instance, at least two posts every week so that more people can know about your blog and how dedicated you are to it.

The more posts you publish, the more exposure your blog gets.

READ ALSO: 6 Ways to Stay Motivated as a Blogger

  1. Engage with other bloggers

Writing is a solitary job, but it doesn’t have to be lonely. Many bloggers make the mistake of publishing their posts and sitting back, expecting readers to find them magically

As a new blogger, or when you don’t have a big following, it is not easy to get many organic site visitors; hence you have to actually put in the work to get people to visit your blog.

Supporting and engaging with other bloggers’ content is one of the best ways to make your blog seen when you are a new blogger. You can do this by interacting with their posts through liking, commenting, sharing the ones you like, or linking to their blogs.

An added benefit of interacting with other bloggers is that it is a great opportunity to form friendships and network with like-minded people from all over the world. Furthermore, engaging with other bloggers makes it easier to get guest posting opportunities on their sites, thus helping you increase your blog’s audience.

The law of reciprocity applies when trying to grow your blog’s following as a new blogger. You will have to follow other bloggers to get more followers and subscribers on your blog.

Often when you follow a blog whose content is in a similar niche as yours or interact with their posts, the owner of that blog will check yours out. If they like your content, they might return the follow or interact with your content, thus gaining you a new reader.

READ ALSO: 100 Things I Have Learned from Blogging: 100 Blog Posts Milestone

  1. Optimizing your content for search engines

You can’t rely only on the WordPress Reader and social media for all your blog’s traffic.

When trying to make your blog posts seen by more people, you have to look for alternative ways to get organic traffic. This is where optimizing your content and website for search engines comes in.

To get your blog noticed and increase organic traffic, you can use the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies below to boost the rank of your site on search engine result pages;

  • Do keyword research and use your chosen keywords naturally throughout the text. You can find long-tail keywords to use for your posts on free websites such as Wordstream and Websiteseochecker.
  • Build links for your posts; including both internal and external links to authoritative websites.
  • Write long-form, original, high-quality content.
  • Optimize the images you use in your posts by adding Alt attributes to them.
  • Use catchy titles and featured images.
  • Structure your content using headings, subheadings, paragraphs, and lists.
  • Use a responsive website design that works well on all devices to improve user experience.
  • Increase the speed of your site by using the right theme, plugins, image sizes, etc.
  1. Promote your blog on social media

Social media platforms are essential for bloggers as a traffic source.

When trying to make your blog seen by more people, combine all the other ways discussed here with promoting your blog on social media platforms. Most bloggers say that Pinterest produces the best results in bringing more blog traffic, followed by Twitter and Facebook.

Take advantage of social media and share your posts, join blogger groups, and interact with other members of the blogging community to promote your blog and expand its reach, thus increasing your web traffic.

However, you must be careful when using social media for your blog because you could fall into the comparison trap, which can demoralize you and derail your progress

When you find yourself starting to compare your lifestyle or your blog with others, remind yourself that every blog is unique and different, and it grows at its own pace. Focus on creating content and getting your blog noticed by more people.

READ ALSO: 10 Reasons Why Comparison is the Thief of Joy (and How to Stop)

  1. Use WordPress tags and categories

If you blog on WordPress.com, the Reader feature can help you make your blog seen when you are a new blogger. 

Even if you don’t have a large following or organic traffic from search engines, the Reader will make it easier for you to reach more readers by enabling you to assign tags and categories to your posts so they are grouped with other similar ones. 

Many readers use these tags to discover new blogs that have similar niches to theirs. So, if you want to get your blog noticed as a new blogger, you must always include tags in your posts.

Remember to only add the recommended maximum of 15 tags to a single post. Including more than that may result in your blog post being shadow-banned, hence not appearing on the tags and not being seen by most people.

Final Thoughts

Learning how to make your blog seen when you are a new blogger, or if you don’t have a large following, can seem impossible. But it is possible to get your blog noticed by more. It will require you to invest your effort and time into creating quality content for your blog, promoting it, and making your site user and search-engine-friendly.

It will not be easy to get people to visit your blog. But don’t quit. It might take some time to get to your desired blog traffic, but your efforts will pay off eventually. If you are a new blogger, use the above tips to learn how to make your blog seen by more people starting now.

This blog post was originally published on vacationpending.com some time back as part of a collaboration between Aisles of Life and Vacation Pending. Since the vacationpending.com blog is no longer active, we have republished this article here for those who may not have read it, to whom it could be helpful. Thank you for reading!

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