10 Ways to Get Ideas for Blog Posts When Experiencing Writer’s Block

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Have you been staring at a blinking cursor on a blank page on your screen at a loss about how to get new ideas for blog posts? Don’t worry — nearly all bloggers experience writer’s block, even the experts.

After consistently creating content for your blog for however long you have been blogging, you will inevitably run out of ideas at some point.

Writer’s block can be frustrating, especially if your blog is your source of income or your way to connect with your audience. You know that your failure to come up with new blog post ideas may lead to a decline in web traffic and an increase in the number of people unsubscribing from your site.

Considering how hard growing your blog’s audience can be, these actions would be a major setback. It is, therefore, paramount for you to learn how to get ideas for blog posts when experiencing writer’s block. Here are some tips.

How to Get Ideas for Blog Posts When Experiencing Writer’s Block

  1. Use Pinterest

Any blogger who doesn’t use Pinterest is missing out on a lot. If you find it tedious to create images to pin, you don’t have to use your Pinterest account to post content. Instead, you can use Pinterest as a source of inspiration for new blog post ideas.

On this platform, you can find bloggers from all niches and follow the ones who post content you are interested in. The Pinterest algorithm will then recommend posts from these bloggers and others with similar content.

Whenever you are experiencing writer’s block, visiting your Pinterest account and seeing all this content will help you get new ideas for blog posts.

Keep track of the content that interests you by creating Pinterest boards to save and organize the pins that inspire you.

  1. Revisit your old posts

Many bloggers make the mistake of never looking back after publishing a blog post. But your work is not done after posting! Your old blog posts can come in handy when you need a source of inspiration for new blog post ideas.

When reading your old blog posts, you may come across something you have yet to discuss on your blog, and that can become the inspiration for your next article.

You could also choose a different angle to tackle the same topic you covered in a past post. For example, if you wrote a ‘how-to’ article, now you can write a ‘why’ or ‘where’ blog post on the same topic.

Moreover, some of the external links you included in your old articles can also give you new ideas for blog posts that you can write and link to instead.

When you look for them, there are many ways to get ideas for blog posts when experiencing writer’s block.

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  1. Get inspiration from other blogs

Getting new ideas for blog posts from other blogs doesn’t mean you should go to their website to copy their articles and republish them on your blog. That would be content theft which is unethical and illegal.

Instead, if you are looking for ways to get ideas for blog posts when experiencing writer’s block, you should use other sites as a source of inspiration to write your own original articles.

So, look up some of the blogs in your niche or those whose content you love and go through their blog posts. You will most likely find a topic on which you can write an article. Remember to credit the original blogger if their posts inspired you.

  1. Get out of the house

Many bloggers usually live alone and others stay cooped up in the house because their job (or hobby) doesn’t require them to go outside or interact with anyone if they don’t want to.

However, staying indoors not only puts your health at risk but also limits your sources of inspiration for new blog post ideas. So, if you usually spend most of your time indoors, it is no surprise that you may experience writer’s block at some point.

To find new ideas on what to write in your articles, you should go out and get new experiences. You can broaden your mind and get new ideas for blog posts by going out in nature, socializing with friends, meeting new people, spending time with family, or traveling to new places.

Getting out of the house to have new experiences will change your way of thinking about things, boost your creativity, and help you overcome writer’s block.

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  1. Go back to your drafts

What do you usually do when you have too many ideas for blog posts but can’t write articles on them all at the moment? Do you keep those ideas or discard them?

If you are like most bloggers, you probably keep your unused blog ideas and post drafts organized in a dedicated folder on your computer, phone, or website. You know that you will want to write about those topics someday…and that someday is here!

If you want to learn how to get new ideas for blog posts when experiencing writer’s block, it is time for you to revisit your drafts and content ideas folder.

Though some may be outdated, especially if they were topical content, many of your old drafts could still be used to create new content for your blog.

  1. Find out what is trending

Trending topics are a great source of inspiration for blog post ideas. Depending on what your blog is about, you can discover what is popular right now and write content on it.

It could be trending topics on the news, the season, in theatres, or anything suitable for your niche. 

Creating seasonal or topical content such as this can be a game-changer for your blog. Though the topic may not be relevant for long, your blog post could perform really well for the duration the demand for content like it is high.

To get new ideas for blog posts, you can know what is trending through the media, social media platforms, and Google Trends.

  1. Turn to your personal life

Whether you prefer using the first-person, second-person, or third-person voice when writing content for your blog, your personal life can inspire your blog posts.

When experiencing writer’s block, you can get ideas for blog posts by looking at various aspects of your life that are relevant to your site.

For example, you can write about your finances, interests, hobbies, daily routine, relationship struggles, mental health, social life, career, etc.

You can use your blog as a place to vent, find solutions to your problems, and advise others. Being vulnerable and writing about your life adds a personal touch to your blog posts and makes you relatable to your readers.

If you use your personal life as a source of inspiration for new blog post ideas, you may even create better content than you usually do.

However, remember that some details of your personal life are not meant to be shared with everyone. So keep them private or approach such topics indirectly without revealing too much.

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  1. Get blog post ideas from the comment section

If you have allowed people to comment on your website and social media, the comment section can be a great place to get new ideas for blog posts when experiencing writer’s block.

Serious readers often leave a comment that is not just about how great they thought a post was but one that adds more about the topic you covered. They may also request more information on something you mentioned or suggest topics they would love to know your thoughts on.

Your reader’s thoughts and questions will be a source of inspiration for your next blog post. So, if you have an active comment section and have run out of blog post ideas, revisit the comments to see what your blog readers like and what they may want more content on.

The best thing about getting ideas for blog posts from the comment section is that you will create content that already has an audience.

  1. Use online tools

If you still haven’t learned how to get ideas for blog posts when experiencing writer’s block, there are many online tools you can use to spy on competitors and find keywords to use.

For example, you can use sites such as Answer the PublicSemRush, and websiteseochecker for competitive analysis and to generate content ideas.

When you run out of blog post ideas, running your website’s URL through SemRush will enable you to see who your competitors are and find the keywords they use in their most popular articles.

If something there piques your interest, check the keyword density and find long tail keywords you can use for your new blog post on the same topic.

Alternatively, if you have a general idea, you can use an online tool such as Answer the Public or enable Google Search auto-complete to help you narrow it down and come up with a great title for your blog post.

With these online tools, you will know what readers are searching for, hence write content focused on it.

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  1. Check your Google Search Console

Sometimes, readers may find your blog by searching words and phrases you never tried to rank for on search engines. You probably also have not written blog posts that are specifically about the keywords they used to find your website.

One of the best ways to find out which keywords people use to discover your blog on search engines is through your Google Search Console.

Although you could be ranking beyond position 20 for such words on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), you can use these keywords as a source of inspiration for blog post ideas when experiencing writer’s block.

Think about it; if you were already ranking for keywords you didn’t try to rank for, what will happen when you create Search Engine Optimized content targeting those keywords?

Wrapping Up

If you have run out of ideas for blog posts, don’t lose hope and abandon your blog. There are many sources of inspiration for new blog post ideas you can easily access.

Blogging requires a lot of effort and commitment for you to reap the benefits. So, don’t let a small bump in the road make you forget about all the time and effort you have put into building your blog and growing your community.

If you feel like you have depleted your creative bank, rest to recharge, then use the above tips to learn how to get ideas for new blog posts when experiencing writer’s block.

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  1. I like spiting my writer’s block. So I write the worst prose I can possibly think of, just to annoy my inner editor. That often does the job. And the best part is, once that’s done, I realise it isn’t as bad as I thought!

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting Stuart❤️ That’s a great way to overcome writer’s block. Even if what you wrote is ‘bad’, at least you now have an idea and something to work with.

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