10 Reasons Why Nobody Visits Your Blog

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Why do I get no blog traffic even though I write quality content? What do I have to do to get more people to read my blog? Someone asked me these questions recently because they were wondering why nobody visits their blog.

Although many ‘expert’ bloggers advise us not to focus on our blog stats too much and instead find other ways to measure our blog’s success, most of us can’t resist checking our blog’s dashboard to see how our posts and pages are performing.

Blogging is a lot of work, and it requires you to invest your effort, time, and money. Hence, when you get low traffic despite putting in all that effort, it can be very demoralizing and often results in many bloggers abandoning their blog when they realize that nobody reads it.

However, all the effort you put into blogging is worth it, and the many successful bloggers out there are proof that with perseverance and resilience, you can grow your blog as well.

Perhaps, all you need to do is identify the reasons why nobody visits your blog and then start working on your website to make it more discoverable and user-friendly.

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Why Nobody Visits Your Blog and How to Get More Traffic

  1. You post inconsistently

Getting people to read your blog is already difficult; don’t sabotage yourself by being inconsistent. You publish one blog post and go MIA for a month or two but somehow expect your blog readers and followers or subscribers to still be waiting for you when you decide to publish another post.

Although you might get some traffic on the days you publish, there will probably be low traffic or none when you are away. Furthermore, many people unsubscribe from a blog if it doesn’t publish any new posts for a long time.

So, unless yours is a popular website or your content is optimized for search engines, being inconsistent may be the reason why nobody visits your blog.

Consistency helps you grow your blog audience and keeps your readers interested in what you have to say.

  1. You blog for the wrong reasons

I got lucky and had some sponsorship opportunities for my blog recently. When I told a friend about it, she told me she also wanted to start a blog in order to make money.

But, starting a blog thinking you will immediately start making money through blogging is not the right reason. You will only be inviting disappointment and demoralization because earning money from a blog can be really hard.

As a new blogger, you should be concentrating on creating high-quality content and building a community around your blog through subscribers and blogger friends.

When you consider your blog as an avenue to make money only, you may resort to doing unethical things, such as lying about sponsored posts and stealing other bloggers’ content.

Your site could also start to look like one big advertisement, which may turn off readers, and that could be why nobody visits your blog.

For example, your blog posts may be riddled with keywords, affiliate links, ads, and sponsored content, all of which make them difficult to read or even connect with the content.

Some of the best reasons for starting a blog include loving to write, wanting to meet and connect with others, wanting to share your expertise on a particular subject, and desiring to solve other people’s problems. Making money from your blog should be a bonus!

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  1. You depend on the WordPress Reader for traffic

Blog views from the Reader (for those using WordPress.com) usually come from other bloggers only. These bloggers may not always be interested in all the topics you choose to write about because, most times, they didn’t actively search for or request the information you are providing.

This explains why nobody visits your blog because although many might still read your blog post, comment, and leave a like, some bloggers will just scroll past your post if it is not relevant to them.

If you only rely on the Reader for traffic, you will likely get frustrated and disappointed at some point because your blog traffic will depend on whether other bloggers want to read your blog posts, the number of followers you have, and their online availability.

It also means that your older posts may never get any visits as newer blog posts will be more accessible. To solve this and get more people to read your blog posts, you should diversify your blog’s traffic sources in order to reach a bigger audience.

  1. You don’t optimize your content

When you want to learn about something, how do you find information about it on the internet? You search for it. The words you use when searching are called keywords.

Now think; when coming up with new blogs post ideas, do you usually consider the terms people will input in the search bar in order to find your content?

If you don’t, you need to start thinking about the keywords for your blog post when writing it because not optimizing your content for search engines could be the reason why nobody visits your blog.

If you use WordPress.com, you can’t always rely on the Reader for all your blog’s traffic, and instead, you should look for other ways to drive organic traffic to your blog.

Here are some SEO strategies you can use to boost the search engine ranking of your website pages and posts;

  • Write original, high-quality long-form content.
  • Build links to your blog through backlinks, internal links, and external links to authoritative websites.
  • Conduct keyword research and use targeted keywords (preferably long-tail keywords) naturally throughout the text, in the title, and the post URL.
  • Include images and optimize them for search engines by resizing, using alt tags, including captions, etc.
  • Check the speed of your blog and remove anything that could be slowing it down.
  • Use compelling titles. The ideal blog post title length is 60 characters, 8 to 12 words.
  • Structure your content to make it easier for people to read and to improve website crawlability by Google bots, e.g. using paragraphs, headings, and lists.
  1. You don’t promote your content

It is well-known that the best traffic for a blog is organic traffic. But that doesn’t mean that you should publish your blog post and sit back with the expectation that people will magically find your blog and read your posts. That is not how it works.

Expecting people to find your blog by chance could be the reason why nobody visits your blog. It is not enough to just write, especially when you are starting out or if you don’t have organic traffic or followers. You also need to promote your content and your blog.

You could promote your blog on social media platforms, build links to your site, and guest post or advertise on other blogs to create awareness and increase traffic to your blog.

If you are a regular Quora and Reddit user, you could also answer questions and provide links to your content whenever they are relevant.

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  1. You don’t interact with your audience

So you wrote and published your blog post, then you got lucky, and your content resonated with people, so they left some comments and likes. But what did you do? You moved on to your next blog post and left the comments on the previous one unanswered.

That is a recipe for disaster because the lack of interaction with other bloggers and commenters could be the reason why nobody visits your blog anymore.

We are all just human, and when our attempts to reach out to someone are ignored, we naturally back away and try to avoid having the same experience. Once bitten twice shy.

Those who commented on your posts but got no response may never again leave comments on your posts, no longer visit your blog, and some may go as far as unsubscribing or unfollowing your blog because they feel their opinion is unwanted.

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  1. Your posts are poorly written

Do you proofread your blog posts before publishing them? Many bloggers hit the publish button as soon as they are done writing a post.

However, poorly written posts with large blocks of text, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors usually discourage readers, which could be another reason why nobody visits your blog.

Writing is only one step in a series of steps you need to take before publishing a blog post. You need to proofread your post, use an editing tool such as Grammarly, look for photos to use as featured images, and structure your content with headings, paragraphs, and/or lists to make it easier to read.

You could also use text-to-speech software to convert your blog post to audio and listen to it before publishing to get an idea of how it will sound like to your readers.

  1. Your blogging niche is very unpopular

If you want to make your blog profitable or become an authority blogger, almost all seasoned bloggers will advise you to narrow down your content to a single niche. But what if you choose a niche that many people are not interested in?

An unpopular blogging niche could be one of the reasons why nobody visits your blog. You may write well and be passionate about your subject, but no one or only a few people will want to read your content.

If an unpopular niche is the reason for your low blog traffic, you should ask yourself whether you are willing to keep writing only for yourself or if you could try another niche or niches to find out what works best for your blog. You could even choose to become a multi-niche blogger instead.

READ ALSO: Single Niche vs. Multi-Niche Blog: Which Should You Choose?

  1. You don’t take advantage of tags on WordPress

Blogs hosted on WordPress.com have the benefit of getting featured on the WordPress Reader when they use tags in their posts.

The Reader is a platform where content on the same topic is filtered using tags, making it easily accessible to people who may be interested in only those topics.

For example, food, mental health, blogging, fitness, etc. If your website is not big or only has a few subscribers/followers, not using tags in your posts could be one of the reasons why nobody visits your blog.

When you don’t have a large following or organic traffic from search engines and social media, you should take advantage of any opportunities that improve the chances of your blog being discovered by more readers, especially those with similar interests to you.By using tags in your blog posts, you will do just that!

WordPress recommends using a maximum of 15 tags. However, I recently noticed that some posts don’t appear on the Reader when I use 15. So, to be safe, I only use 10 to 12 tags per post.

  1. You post too much

Can you post too much on a blog? Yes! There are so many times I have unfollowed or unsubscribed from a blog just because they post too often. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who does this, which means that you could be losing readers/blog views by posting too often.

No one wants their email or Reader filled with posts from one blogger all the time. So, if you started well but have somehow started getting lower traffic, you should check whether your schedule and frequency of posting are the reasons why nobody visits your blog anymore.

If you usually publish useful and valuable content, it is okay to post several blog posts a day. However, I would recommend spacing the posts out, like every 2 hours or more, so readers don’t feel like they are getting bombarded with information or like you are filling their email inbox with irrelevant content.

Like many other things, sometimes less is more in blogging. You should try to find a balance between posting too much and not posting frequently enough while focusing on quality over quantity.

Final Words

Even though I’m not a blogging expert, I wanted to share what could be the reasons why some blogs don’t get traffic or receive only a few views.

Blogging is a lot of work, and thus, it can be very discouraging when no one reads your blog even after putting all that effort into it.

If you were asking yourself why nobody visits your blog, I hope you got an answer from the above reasons and can start working on your website to make it the best it can be. All the best!

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  1. Sustain | sustain-blog.com says:

    Good information. Thank you 😊

    1. You are welcome, Asitha. Thank you so much for reading!❤️

      1. Sustain | sustain-blog.com says:

        You are welcome!

  2. Good advice..
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome, and thank you so much for reading, Vijay!❤️

  3. Really good tips! SEO has massively improved traffic to my blog so definitely recommend 🙂

    1. SEO works pretty well for me too. Thank you so much for reading, Caroline!❤️

  4. Great article! I’ve actually unfollowed bloggers who post too much. It looks spammy and it drowns out other blogs as well.

    1. It really does! If I am still interested in reading their posts, I usually pop over to the blogs once in a while to read what is relevant to me. Thank you so much for reading, Rachel!❤️

  5. fromthelibraryofalexis says:

    I’m saving this for later, I recently began being active on my blog again after taking a long term break last semester. I had just started college and wasn’t able to keep up. However, now I’m struggling to get things off the ground again! Great post 🙂

    1. Even though it might be considered inconsistency, it is wise to take a blogging break sometimes, especially if not taking it will lead to burnout or worsening of mental health issues. Hopefully, you will be able to get back to it just fine. It will probably just take time. Thank you so much for reading, Alexis!❤️

  6. Thank you so much for this information, especially the first one.

    Can you please explain the third one better? Thank you.

    1. Hi Jude, thank you so much for reading my post❤️ I have rewritten point number 3. Please read it again and let me know if it makes sense to you.

  7. mindbeautysimplicity says:

    this was a very helpful post! i personally try to interact with as many bloggers as i can. it’s helpful to genuinly connect with other creators, learn from them & have supporters. 🙂 also, i agree with focusing on SEO. it’s the most important i think when it comes to promotion and getting traffic more often.

    1. Blogging opened up the world for me and enabled me to interact with awesome people I’d probably have never met.
      I consider SEO the best and easiest way to get traffic too. If you master it, you don’t have to work as hard as you have to with most other traffic sources. Thank you so much for reading!❤

  8. Excellent post, Sheri. The depth of your knowledge is profound. Wonderful advice in this article. ❤️

    1. Thank you for always being so supportive, Jeff!❤

  9. Great post! What I need to do is start using SEO generators for my titles. Do you have any recommendations?

    1. I don’t usually use one, so, unfortunately, I don’t have any recommendations for you at this time. I sometimes use this website called answerthepublic.com which lets me know what people search and come up with titles from that. I’m not sure if it’s considered a title generator though.

      1. sadiyamukhtar says:

        Alright, I’ll check it out. Thanks a lot.

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