35 Easy Ways to Take Charge of Your Life and Create Your Own Happiness

35 Easy Ways to Take Charge of Your Own Happiness

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Life is too short and precious to be spent on things that don’t make you happy. Sadly, we often find ourselves stuck in situations that don’t bring us joy or just going through the motions, forgetting how to actually live and enjoy every moment of our lives.

To have more control and take charge of our lives, we have to make positive changes and decisions that help bring out the best in us and promote our happiness. These are small things you can do for yourself because you are the only one responsible for your happiness.

Here is a list of 35 ways you can take charge of your life and create your own happiness.

Do yourself a favor and;

  1. Let go of things that are not meant for you, e.g. toxic relationships, friendships, and unfulfilling jobs.
  2. Refuse to settle for less than what you deserve.
  3. Practice self-love.
  4. Be kinder to yourself and eliminate negative self-talk. Practice daily positive affirmations instead.
  5. Stop comparing yourself to others and be content with what you have.
  6. Invest in yourself, e.g. go to college, get life insurance, save money, keep learning new things and skills, and take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health.
  7. Decorate, rearrange, organize, and declutter your living space.
  8. Practice gratitude and reward yourself for your victories.
  9. Be authentic and unapologetically yourself.
  10. Choose friends and partners that add value to your life and avoid drama.
  11. Be more patient when making important decisions.
  12. Pay attention to your intuition.
  1. Build your self-confidence.
  2. Become more spiritual.
  3. Set your career and personal goals.
  4. Learn to put yourself and your needs first.
  5. Follow your passions.
  6. Explore your full potential.
  7. Realize your self-worth
  8. Do more things that bring you joy, e.g. explore your creative side, engage in your hobbies, watch the sunset, eat cake, listen to music, watch TV, travel, and have fun.
  9. Be present/Live in the moment.
  10. Forgive yourself for your failures and faults.
  11. Accept that there are things beyond your control, e.g what others think of you, change, perfection, and the past.
  12. Spend more time with your loved ones and pets.

READ ALSO: 10 Incredible Benefits of Spending Time with Family

  1. Reduce your screen time by switching off your digital devices, limiting your social media and internet use.
  2. Step out of your comfort zone and take risks.
  3. Stand up for yourself and your beliefs
  4. Set boundaries.
  5. Don’t bottle up your emotions and be more open about your feelings.
  6. Establish daily routines.
  7. Take a walk to enjoy nature and relieve stress.
  8. Stop procrastinating and do the things you have been postponing.
  9. Build better habits, e.g. quit smoking, drug use, and drinking.
  10. Slow down and take a break from work every once in a while.
  11. Adopt a positive attitude and growth mindset.
  12. Let go of grudges and learn to forgive those who have wronged you.

What makes you happy? Can you think of anything else you can do for yourself to make your life happier?

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  1. Good one .
    Develop a creative hobby…it will help you find your true self …
    Stay blessed 🙏😇

    1. Very true. Engaging in your hobbies increases your happiness

  2. Thanks for sharing this list of ideas that seem so simple, but are too easy to forget.

    1. We often forget to make our happiness a priority. I’m glad you liked the tips.

    1. They really are! I’m glad you liked the post.

  3. vacationpending says:

    Wow so many of these are great practices for creating happiness. Developing a growth mindset is definitely something i need to work on

    1. Thank you for reading! Mindset has significant effects on happiness and it’s great that you’re working on yours. The good thing with the growth mindset is that you focus on things you can control, are ready to learn new things, and realize that happiness is not only achieved when you reach a major goal but from all the minor goals you achieve along the way.

      1. vacationpending says:

        This is so true it makes it feel a lot more reachable when you put it like that, thank you ❤️

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