25 Fun Things to Do When Spending Christmas Alone

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What can you do for fun if you’re spending Christmas Day alone? The festive season is a wonderful time of year for most people around the world as they get to spend time with their families and friends. But for many others, the holidays may not be such a joyous time because they have to celebrate Christmas alone for various reasons.

Examples of common reasons why some people spend Christmas alone include; having no family or friends, being single and living alone, working too far away from their loved ones, having no money to travel, family being away from home, and by choice, e.g., if they cut off their toxic family or want to avoid stress related to family drama over the holidays.

Christmas can be depressing and boring if you have no one to celebrate it with. And though it is okay to have negative emotions about this situation, the holiday season doesn’t have to suck just because you are by yourself.

There are many fun things you can do when spending Christmas alone to stay busy, relax, and entertain yourself while enjoying your own company. Read on for examples of solo Christmas activities to do this year.

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Fun Things to Do When Spending Christmas Alone

  1. Play Christmas music

Just because you are celebrating Christmas by yourself doesn’t mean you have to spend the day in silence, feeling bored and lonely at home.

Listening to music, singing along, and dancing to it are some of the fun things to do when spending Christmas alone without family and friends.

You can listen to Christmas carols or any other songs you like. The music will help to lift your spirits, get you into the festive mood, make you feel like you have some company, and pass the time.

  1. Decorate for Christmas

Yes, you can decorate your home even if you will be alone on Christmas. It will help you get into the Christmas spirit if you aren’t feeling it.

It doesn’t matter that no one else will get to see your handiwork.

Keep yourself busy when spending Christmas Day by yourself doing fun activities like setting up a Christmas tree, making crafts, and putting up other decorations inside and outside your home.

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  1. Go to church

As the Christmas holiday has become more commercialized over the years, many people have forgotten its true meaning. Luckily, many churches have a service on Christmas Day to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

If you are religious, attending a church service is a must-have on your list of fun things to do when spending Christmas alone. The other congregants will provide company and the church hymns and plays that may be acted out will lift your mood.

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  1. Call your loved ones

Perhaps you are on good terms with your family and are alone on Christmas Day for other reasons, such as living too far away or not having the money to travel home.

Find a way to spend time together even if you’re apart.

One of the fun things to do when spending Christmas alone is to call your family and friends. Video calls are the best means of communication, but voice calls are okay too.

Catch up with each other and do some fun activities virtually, such as, cooking Christmas dinner, decorating the house, or playing games together.

  1. Watch Christmas movies

Can it even feel like the festive season if you don’t watch cheesy holiday movies on Hallmark, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and other streaming or cable services?

Since you most likely have the day off from work, having a Christmas-themed movie marathon or watching any other films you like is among the fun activities to do when celebrating Christmas by yourself at home.

You can also binge-watch the TV shows you usually never have time to watch or rewatch the Christmas-themed episodes of your favorite series.

Comedies are another good option to watch if you are feeling depressed about spending Christmas alone this year and need something to make you laugh.

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  1. Try your favorite Christmas recipes

Looking for good ways to stay busy when spending Christmas alone? Go to the kitchen.

You will have fun making your favorite Christmas dishes without worrying about what anyone else will think about your food choices or cooking skills like you probably would when cooking or eating with more people.

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  1. Take a walk around your neighborhood

You don’t have to stay cooped up in the house on Christmas Day. It might make you feel even sadder and lonelier.

If you are spending Christmas with no family this year, you should get out of the house for a bit.

The outdoors is beautiful during the holidays, and taking a walk around your neighborhood to admire your neighbors’ and the town’s Christmas decorations as well as the snow can boost your mood.

Along the way, you may also meet people you know who can help you feel less lonely and pass the time on Christmas Day.

  1. Play games

Playing games is one of the fun things to do when spending Christmas alone away from family and friends. They’ll help you distract yourself from negative emotions for a while and prevent boredom.

There are many good online and offline games you can play solo or with others (on the internet) on Christmas Day.

  1. Read

Depending on the reasons why you are celebrating Christmas by yourself, you can read the Bible, holiday-themed novels, or whichever genre of books you like as a way to pass the time.

Good books will draw you into the fictional world invented by the author, helping you escape your current unpleasant situation for a while.

  1. Meet up with other friends who are alone

Seeing all the social media posts of your friends having fun with their families can make you feel like you are the only one celebrating this holiday alone.

But you are not. Some of your friends are probably alone on Christmas Day too for any of the reasons listed above.

As you send your ‘Merry Christmas!’ messages, check up on your friends to find out whether any of them are spending Christmas alone and need company.

Meeting up with friends who are also alone during the holidays and doing fun activities together can help you feel less lonely on Christmas Day.

They can become your found family with whom you create new holiday traditions.

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  1. Go through your photo album

Still wondering what to do when spending Christmas alone? A small nostalgia trip is not bad.

If you are spending Christmas Day alone because you are away from your family or they have passed on, going through your photo album to relive the moments from past happy Christmases can be fun.

However, be careful not to get stuck in the past.

  1. Go on a solo Christmas getaway

You have been going through the same routine the entire year. It is time to take a break, change the scenery, and treat yourself!

Going on a singles or solo Christmas vacation should be on your list of fun things to do when spending Christmas alone. You will have a great time exploring new places, meeting new people, and unwinding.

  1. Pamper yourself

For some people, getting alone time to practice self-care can be difficult. But the holidays are here, and you don’t have anyone to spend them with. You also don’t have to go to work.

This is the perfect time to show yourself some tender loving care.

When spending Christmas alone, you can pamper yourself at home by doing things such as relaxing in a bubble bath, lighting scented candles, giving yourself a manicure and pedicure, starting a new skincare routine, cutting and styling your hair, doing yoga, and meditating, among other fun activities.

The goal is to make yourself look and feel good. Make Christmas your self-care day!

  1. Do acts of kindness

Although you feel sad about having to celebrate Christmas by yourself, there are people in a worse situation than you are right now.

One of the fun things to do when spending Christmas alone is to do acts of kindness for the less fortunate, for instance, the homeless, elderly, or sick people, and even animals.

Some activities you can do to help others when alone on Christmas include volunteering at shelters, hospitals, and nursing homes, donating to charities, giving food, blankets, and clothes to the homeless, and visiting the elderly or sick people who live alone.

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  1. Make hot chocolate

It’s cold outside. What else can you enjoy more than a mug of hot chocolate? Make yourself one and drink it near the fireplace or while looking out at the beautiful scene of the snow falling outside.

  1. Attend a Christmas festival

Many towns usually have Christmas festivals around this time of year. If there is one happening near you, attending a holiday festival is one of the fun activities you can do when spending Christmas alone.

You will have fun socializing, seeing the attractions, and participating in activities.

  1. Play in the snow

If it is winter where you live, get out of the house and play in the snow by yourself during the holidays.

Some fun activities to do in the snow alone on Christmas Day include building a snowman, making snow angels, building a snow fort, ice skating, skiing, and snowboarding.

  1. Make some home improvements

Your house can get messy as you decorate it for Christmas. Furthermore, it being the end of the year, it is the perfect time to make improvements around your home to start the New Year right.

Decluttering, repairing, cleaning, and organizing things in your home are some of the best activities to do when spending Christmas alone. These activities will not only keep you busy but will also be beneficial for your overall well-being.

  1. Play with your pet

You may be alone on Christmas, but perhaps, not entirely. Maybe you own a pet.

Playing with your pet and talking to them can help you stop feeling lonely, sad, and bored when spending Christmas alone away from family and friends.

Spend quality time with your furry friend during the holidays before your daily work routine resumes.

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  1. Attend a Christmas concert

Sure, you can listen to festive music at home, but you may enjoy the carols more if you go solo to a Christmas concert near you.

The concert could make you feel nostalgic as it probably was/is a tradition in your family that you associate with happy memories of past Christmases and time together.

Being with other people at a concert will help you alleviate feelings of loneliness when you are spending Christmas alone. Attending one will also be a good way to support local talent if the performers are from your area.

  1. Take yourself out on a solo date

Maybe you are not feeling like cooking or staying in the house by yourself the whole day.

Going on a solo date is one of the fun things to do when spending Christmas alone. You could go to the movies alone, have a picnic at the park, or go to a fancy restaurant that is open on Christmas.

  1. Go hiking

If you want to get away from all the holiday festivities, get some exercise, or you simply love nature, going on a hike is among the fun things to do when spending Christmas alone.

No matter what the outdoors looks like around the area you live, whether it is a winter wonderland or just the woods, spending time in nature has numerous benefits.

  1. Start a new project

You are alone on Christmas Day with a lot of time on your hands; what can you do to stay busy and pass the time? A new project may be just the answer.

You can try a new hobby or start a project that aligns with your current ones. For instance, you could make furniture and home décor pieces, knit, paint, write a song, plant something in the garden, work on an old car, or renovate your basement.

Remember that the projects don’t have to be perfect. If you don’t know how to do something, YouTube tutorials and blogs can come in handy.

  1. Make New Year’s resolutions

The year is coming to an end in a few days. Why don’t you use this time to prepare for the New Year?

Now is the best time to reflect and take stock of your achievements and areas that need improvement.

Making New Year’s resolutions, coming up with a bucket list, and creating a vision board are some fun things to do when spending Christmas alone.

Ensure you also come up with a plan to achieve the goals you set.

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  1. Laze around

Want to know what to do on Christmas alone because you have no family or friends? The good thing about spending the holiday alone is that you don’t have to do anything if you don’t feel like it.

You are free to spend your time however you want without worrying about what anyone will think or anything demanding your attention.

If you are alone on Christmas Day and feel like having a lazy day where you do nothing but eat takeout foods, sleep, read, listen to music, sunbathe (depending on where you are), or watch TV, go ahead.

Wrapping Up

‘What can I do when spending Christmas alone?’ If you were asking yourself this question, you now know examples of fun activities to do when celebrating the holiday by yourself.

Decorating your home, making holiday-themed foods, watching movies, attending concerts, going to church, playing in the snow, doing acts of kindness, and going on a solo vacation are some fun things to do when spending Christmas alone.

These solo Christmas activities will help you have fun, stay busy, and relax. Don’t feel lonely, left out, or bored when you can enjoy your own company and have a great time this Christmas, even while alone.

Happy Holidays!

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