20 Healthy Habits to Start in Your 20s

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What can I do in my health in my 20s? If you are asking yourself this question read this blog post to know the 20 Healthy Habits to Start in Your 20s for Better Physical and Mental Health in your 30s and beyond | Self-Improvement Tips to help you adopt a healthy lifestyle and prepare for your future | Good habits to have in your 20s | Protecting your mental health in your 20s | 20 Healthy habits you should have before turning 30 What should I start doing in my 20s? How do you start taking care of yourself in your 20s? How should you be in your 20s? Staying healthy in your 20s

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Your 20s are a crucial part of your life and are often referred to as the defining decade of adulthood. Since this is when many major life-changing events happen to you, it is the best time to lay a good foundation for the rest of your life by knowing the healthy habits to start in your 20s.

During these 10 years, your life changes in many ways as you try to figure out what you want to do with your life and make some of the most important decisions about your future. For example, most people graduate from college, get a job, start living on their own, begin serious relationships, become engaged, get married, and have children in their 20s.

These defining moments in your life set up how your future will be. So, during this decade, you should be careful when making decisions as they can change the direction of your life forever, either positively or negatively.

To get your life on the right path and prepare for the future, you need to know the healthy habits to start in your 20s and get rid of any bad habits that could be holding you back.

You might feel invincible or think you are too young to start preparing for the rest of your life, but your health should always be a priority, no matter what age you are.

Many elderly people report that one of their biggest regrets in life is not taking care of their health when they were younger, as they could have spared themselves a lot of trouble down the road. So, if you want to be happier, healthier, and well-prepared for your later years, you have to develop healthy habits in your 20s and stick to them.

Here is a list of healthy habits to start in your 20s for better physical and mental health.

NOTE: If you are younger or past your 20s and want to improve your mental and physical well-being, you can use the tips below as well. It is never too early or too late to adopt healthy habits!

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10 Healthy Habits to Start in Your 20s for Better Physical Health

For most people, your 20s are when your physical health is at its best. But this will not always be the case. As you grow older, your body will deteriorate, it will become easier to gain weight (and harder to lose it), and your skin will lose its elasticity.

It is up to you to develop healthy habits in your 20s to help you stay fit, maintain your physical wellness, and prevent various illnesses such as lifestyle diseases and STIs later.

Your future self will thank you for having developed these good habits earlier in life, and you will not be afraid of getting older because they will help you to age gracefully.

Some of the healthy habits to start in your 20s for better physical health include;

  1. Exercising regularly, even when you don’t have time
  2. Starting a skincare routine
  3. Making healthy food choices, even when stressed
  4. Having enough sleep of 8-10 hours each night
  5. Getting regular medical checkups and tests
  6. Staying hydrated by drinking enough water depending on your requirements
  7. Quitting bad habits such as substance abuse, drinking, and smoking
  8. Cooking your food at home instead of ordering takeout, to have more control over what you eat
  9. Not skipping meals, and instead, slowing down and savoring your food by practicing mindful eating
  10. Driving safely

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10 Healthy Habits to Start in Your 20s for Better Mental Health

Your 20s can be a difficult time for you, both mentally and emotionally. You have officially become an adult, and you may start to feel the pressure to make some major decisions regarding your future.

All this pressure to get your sh*t together and figure your life out can lead to poor mental health. You might get stressed or anxious and feel like you are running out of time to achieve major life milestones before 30.

Since the decisions you make now will affect you later in life, you need to develop some positive habits for your mental well-being.

Here are some healthy habits to start in your 20s to protect your mental health and emotional health.

  1. Start journaling to help sort out your feelings
  2. Consult a therapist regularly, even if you think you don’t need them
  3. Put yourself first more often by scheduling me time and taking mental health days off work whenever you need to or when feeling burnt out
  4. Spend more time with your loved ones and strengthen your bond
  5. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and start being more open about your feelings
  6. Do more things that make you happy, for example, your hobbies
  7. Reduce your screen time by watching less TV and spending less time on social media
  8. Practice mindfulness meditation to calm your mind and improve your self-awareness
  9. Cut off things that influence your life negatively, such as toxic friends, unhealthy relationships, and unfulfilling jobs
  10. Consume more self-help and mental health resources, for example, podcasts, motivational quotes, videos, books, blogs, or magazines.

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Wrapping Up

Protecting your physical, mental, and emotional health may not be one of your top priorities in life while you are in your 20s. You probably think you are still young and it is too early to concern yourself with such things.

However, knowing the healthy habits to start in your 20s is paramount because, for many people, this is when health problems begin. And even if they don’t, it is good to adopt healthy habits in your 20s to prevent future issues.

Since you are under 30 and still young, you have the time to form better habits and are in a better position to seek help, recover, or get in shape before any mental and physical health issues occur or advance.

The above are the 20 healthy habits to start in your 20s for better physical and mental health. When you decide to adopt them, don’t forget that consistency is key if you want to observe the positive results of having healthy habits in your 20s.

Prepare for the rest of your life by adopting these healthy habits starting now!

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  1. Prakaash inspiration says:

    Excellent post and wonderful tips.Have a great weekend 💐💐💐💐💐

    1. You too! And thank you so much for reading, Prakaash. I’m really glad you liked the post❤️

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